Every person has that one thing that they often splurge on whenever they need a mood boost. Some prefer coffee, while others like shopping for new clothes. There are those, however, who prefer taking home a new plant to add to their collection. As you might already know, plants add great energy to any space you keep it in. Aside from adding color and detoxifying the air, it can also help create a feeling of zen. This is why they’re such great investments for any home.
However, you can’t just bring any plant into your home. You should also know how to choose the right one for your space. For newbies, this is a learning curve that requires patience and perseverance. To help you get started, here are some tips on how to pick the right plant for your space.


Without light, your plants won’t be able to photosynthesize and produce food for themselves. This makes it one of the most important considerations when choosing plants for your home. Look at the degree of light that your space gets. If you’re able to get one, a light meter is a very useful tool that will let you know the type of lighting you have. Aside from this, do observe when the brightest time of the day is and how long natural light lasts in your home.
Types of Light:
-Low Light. This is the most common type of lighting used for plants, especially for interior rooms. There are many small things you can do to remedy this. You can invest in shelves instead of keeping plants on the flooring, but the species you choose matters a lot as well. Start with ferns, particularly the Boston Fern, which thrives in low light and can provide the lushness most plant collectors like to have. Cast Iron Plants, Peace Lily, Bamboo, Pothos Vine, and Spider plants all do well in low light, too.

-Medium Light. This is one of the best types of light for growing plants as the species that enjoy it the most are often less fickle than others. Our recommendations include Alocasia, Falsa Aralia, Begonias, Christmas Cactus, and Grape Ivy.

-Bright Light. Lucky are those who get plenty of this light in their home because a lot of really vibrant plants thrive in this degree of lighting. This includes the trendiest plans such as Fig trees, a whole assortment of succulents, cacti, Myrtles, agave, and Asparagus ferns.


Aside from the lighting in your home, another thing to consider would be humidity. You’ll know if there isn’t enough of it because your plant’s leaves will begin curling up. To prevent this, especially if you live in a particularly hot place, you will need to place your plant on a tray with some water and a few pebbles. The liquid that evaporates from it will get pulled into the plant and keep it moist. Some money management is needed if you want to purchase a humidifier for your home, but it is also beneficial for both your plants and the overall air quality of the space.

Plant Size

Lastly, consider the size of the plant you’re bringing into your home. Crowding the plants will make them fight for resources, such as light. This is especially true if you plan on mixing large-leaf plants with smaller, crawling plants. Do make sure that there’s ample space between them, whether you’re having them on your walls, placing them on shelves, or arranging your collection on the flooring.

There you have it, some tips on how to choose the right plant for any space. We hope these tips help you in choosing the right plant for your home!

Photo Source: Instagram
