Courtney Roker | Al Roker’s Daughter

Courtney Roker, Al Roker’s daughter, had spent most of her childhood away from the spotlight. On the other hand, she made headlines in April 2020 when she announced her engagement to Wesley Laga.

During her sophomore years, Courtney confessed to her parents that she didn’t think higher education was the right option for her. She enrolled in culinary school, something she reportedly always wanted to do. Roker recalled thinking, “Courtney always liked to cook.” She was also a big fan of food presentations. She used to go out and gather flowers to decorate the dishes when she was around 6 or 7. Roker had an insight from these unexpected turn of events: he learned that it’s critical to listen to and trust your children. Today, Courtney is a successful chef at Google who oversees one of the company’s restaurants in the city. Apart from this, she also operates her catering investments.
